Monday, September 22, 2014

The evolution of a drunken bar tale into a five volume graphic novel series

Me and Carl, November 2009

In 2009, while at at my local bar, I found myself sitting next to Carl. He was another regular, but rarely spoke to anyone except the staff, and usually just to order another drink. He was an old, broken down, surly bastard whom everyone was content to leave alone. However, this was a slow night; not many people around to chat with, so I decided to break the ice and ask Carl, "So, what's your story?" I'm not sure if he was trying to scare me off with the tale he began to tell, or if he'd just simply been waiting for someone to ask, but either way - he shared a story so unique and unbelievable that I promised to turn it into a graphic novel for the world to enjoy. With the first three volumes now completed, I'm left with the final two to finish his story. As I work to finish the last two installments, I'll use this blog to post progress and insights into the evolution of this project. Check back often to track the development and ultimate completion of "Carl's Story."

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