Friday, October 3, 2014

First Chapter Finished - and Some Added Motivation

I hit a satisfying milestone today by finishing the chapter I've been slaving on for the past few weeks. There isn't a lot of action in this chapter as it relies heavily on dialogue, so getting through the art felt very tedious. The primary challenge for me was in finding ways to draw the same exact scene in panel after panel without looking visually repetitive.

Unique angles, modifying the line styles, and changing perspective were all used to illustrate a conversation that spanned several panels over a few pages, but simply takes place seated around a table. Looking at the finished pages, I think it works but I'll let the audience be the judge once the book is released.

The next chapter has some bold compositions to tackle so I expect momentum to start picking up over the coming days and weeks. As a compliment to my self-imposed scheduled, I've decided to take part in #Inktober drawing challenge. I only just found out about it today so I'm starting three days behind, but I'll make sure I post an inked panel or page each day for the rest of the month.

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