Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Productivity Without Progress

I completed two pages today, which should be very satisfying, but it actually got me no further towards finishing the book. As stated in my previous blog, I think I might have rushed through the last few pages in terms of pace. My initial solution was to slow things down with the next few pages to compensate, but today that seemed like a cop out (which it should have from the very beginning).

What surprised me was how easy it was to add two extra pages BETWEEN pages that have already been completed. Normally if I've left gaps in the narrative it would require redoing an entire page to accommodate a couple extra panels, but no - apparently I rushed through the past few pages so majestically that I was able to add entire pages, uninterrupted between existing pages, to fill in the gaps. I essentially achieved the perfect level of incompetence to allow for entire pages to be inserted within the completed narrative as a correction - SCORE!

In spite of where the day started, I think the new pages work out well, and I'm glad I spent the time to clean the story up. However, it also means that I've made no real progress towards the end of the book. I usually motivate myself with the realization that each page completed brings me one page closer to the conclusion of the story. Unfortunately I finished today with the same final page I started with, albeit with a better lead-up than existed this morning.


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