Friday, October 24, 2014

Little Steps

It's been a while since my last post because it's getting more difficult to report on progress without giving away crucial details of the story. I'm probably going to switch my blog schedule to weekly posts to accommodate this little issue, so stay tuned every Friday for new installments.

For this week, I'll share with you my ongoing struggle with satisfying self expectations. I know this story won't get finished overnight, but since I already know the conclusion in my mind I can't help but feel a sense of disappointment every day I go to bed without actually finishing it. I take little comfort in whatever progress is made each day because all I can think about are the pages left to complete. It seems like the finish line is stretching further and further away from me, rather than getting closer.

I always tell myself that the journey is more important than the destination, and I've always felt that way about art. However, I really want to finish this project, and it just doesn't seem like I ever will. I've never spent five years on an art project before, and I'm not sure I'm well suited for this kind of creative timeline. Hopefully this is just a passing angst I'm feeling today, and tomorrow I'll find new motivation. It just seems I have to find that new motivation more often than usual these days.

I'm at a point in the story where even showing an entire panel will reveal too much spoiler information, so I'm relegated to close-ups for now. In this panel Carl is expressing a level of shock that I hope will be shared by the reader at this moment when the full story is released. #Inktober

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